Leeds Maths Tutors helps people to prepare for City and Guilds functional skills exams. The City and Guilds Functional Skills exam is an alternate option for those who are sitting a Functional Skills exam in either Maths or English at any level with our partners at MME. This option is available to all, but must be carefully considered by those applying to Universities or Colleges with entry requirements, as the institute may require a qualification from a specific exam board, hence the option to choose an exam board.
The exam itself is very similar to that of other Functional Skills exams. The City and Guilds Functional Skills exams are sat online, meaning that you will be required to have access to a computer with internet connection. On the day of the exam, you will be emailed by an invigilator asking you to join a video call, so make sure your computer has a webcam and microphone. Once you have joined the call, the invigilator will help you set the exam up. The City and Guilds Functional Skills exams cover the same curriculum as other functional skills exams, and offer levels 1 and 2 in both subjects.
To help you prepare for these exams, Leeds Maths Tutors along with some help from our partners at MME, have compiled a fine collection of past papers to help you with your revision. Over 20 past papers are available to all learners on the MME website free of charge. These will hopefully give you a better idea of what the exam will be like when your exam date comes around, and give you an idea of what the markers will be looking for in questions with the included mark scheme.